The month of July brings Independence Day, but did you know that it also brings National Kitten Day, National Lasagna Day and Canada Day?
With all the world has been through in the last three months, it seems appropriate to find a bit of respite in the form of the less honored holidays. It doesn't mean we've forgotten the important issues at hand, including the pandemic and the global anti-racist movement, but it's nice to give gratitude for a little comic relief. See below for an alternative July holiday list and check out our "Adventures Outside the Office" report to see how we've been celebrating these unusual holidays.
July 1st - Canada Day
July 5th - National Bikini Day
July 6th - National Fried Chicken Day
July 10th - National Kitten Day
July 13th - Amazon Prime Day
July 24th - National Tequila Day
July 29th - National Lasagna Day
July 31st - Harry Potter Day
Please have a safe and happy July 4th as well!
Upcoming Events:

On July 9th, Res Nova Law's principal attorney, Susan Ford, will be giving a presentation titled "Contracts and Intellectual Property for Design Professionals” to students of the Heritage School of Interior Design in Portland. The Heritage School has locations in Portland, Denver and Seattle and will soon be opening a location in Los Angeles. The Heritage School provides aspiring designers the opportunity to cultivate their talents through hands-on learning programs.
Adventures Outside the Office:

Just in time for July 10th (National Kitten Day), Susan has welcomed Olive into her home. Olive was a 17th birthday gift to Susan's son, Owen. When she's not chasing her own shadow, Olive loves snuggling up in the home office on Susan's lap. Welcome Olive!

In honor of July's National Lasagna Day, Susan went all out for Owen's birthday dinner with a "Chef John" lasagna that was a decadent and gooey culinary adventure! Here's the recipe for those that are interested.
Res Nova Law Blog Posts:
Here's a recap of our June blog posts in case you missed them:
As always, our creative and experienced attorneys are here to help you with your intellectual property and business needs.
Get in touch with our team if you'd like to learn more about how to identify and protect your most important business interests.
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